Flipper is an FKEY that lets you switch between applications when a dialog box is displayed.
Flipper is distributed only with Easy KEYS, which is a shareware product. If you have copy of Flipper without Easy KEYS, please let me know where you found it, so that I can send out the complete set of software.
For more information, or to purchase Easy KEYS, write:
Kerry Clendinning
PO Box 26061
Austin, TX 78755
To install Flipper, use the Easy KEYS control panel to select the FKEY resource in the TeachText file called "Flipper". With Easy KEYS you will be able to assign Flipper to any key combination.
When a dialog box is displayed by an application and you'd like to do something else before continuing with that application, press the key combination you assigned to Flipper. Flipper's window will be displayed above your application, allowing you to switch layers. In system 6, click on the application's icon in the right hand top corner of the screen. Under system 7, you can use the apple menu or the application menu to choose another layer.
I wrote Flipper because I found it annoying that I couldn't use Find File… when the Mac is prompting me for a file. It's now a simple matter to suspend the application with the file dialog, use Find File to locate the file you need and then continue.
Under system 7, you may sometimes find that selecting another application layer doesn't work. I've found that hiding the current layer will solve this. Just select Hide… from the application menu.